Are you achieving your personal, professional and financial goals?
How I can create more wealth and raise my standard of living?
How to live with financial peace of mind?
How am I managing my debts?
What plans do I have financially to take care of my health, education for myself and my family, travel?
How to achieve financial freedom?
If you feel that you pay the commitments and you cannot save; just thinking about finances causes you stress and you don't know how to drive your debts; We can help you change your financial landscape and improve your financial, personal and emotional standard of living.
All these questions, concerns and questions can be addressed through the course and program that I offer in Financial Planning and Counseling: Definition of Personal, Professional and Family Goals; Current Situation vs. Desired situation; Effective Management of your Debts; How to Shorten the Path to the Achievement of Your Dreams; How to Get to Abundance; Financial Planning Model adapted to each person, family and particular situation.
If you want to know more about this course and program, Please contact us for more details by writing an email to eddysilverapanama@gmail.com or the WhatsApp button.